Hippo Medical Consulting

San Giovani in Fiore, Italy
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San Giovanni in Fiore Links and map.  Learn more about Calabria, Italy.
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          Emigrati.it         Portalesila                Calabria Online
       San Giovanni in Fiore           Top Calabrian Links
                           Fermishool         Diglander

Frank's father Francesco Saverio Abbruzzino, came over from San Giovanni in Fiore, Italy during the 1960's.  He moved back in the 1970, and now resides in San Giovanni in Fiore with his (and Donna's) sister Rosalinda.  Also, he has several aunts and uncles throughout the region.  Frank has one other sister in Europe, but she is currently living in Frankfurt, Germany. 
San Giovanni in Fiore can be found on the map, below the number 18.
